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Geography Quiz On Canada

#1:True or False: The country with the longest coastline in the world is Canada?

#2. Name the highest peak in Canada.

#3. Canada has three of the world's ten largest islands. Name them.

#4. Which province has the two highest waterfalls in Canada? Name the waterfalls.

#5. Name all the countries of the world larger than Canada.

#6. Name the province from which it is possible to go to the US by going North, South, East, OR West.

#7. Of all the seas, gulfs, and bays in the world, not counting the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, or Arctic Oceans, what is the rank of Hudson Bay?

#8. What is Canada's longest river? Is it longer or shorter than the Mississippi?

#9. How many of the Great Lakes are larger than Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes?

#10. Petro-Canada Center in Calgary is the largest building outside of Toronto; how many buildings in Toronto are taller?

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