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Geography Quiz #2 (place and Location)

Which Way From Here
Answer True or False to Each Question

1. Atlanta to Miami is a shorter distance than Atlanta to Chicago.

2. Reno, Nevada is WEST of Santa Barbara, California.

3. To get from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Panama Canal, you travel West.

4.The quickest way to get to Canada from Detroit is to go North.

5. Washington, DC is farther WEST of New York than it is SOUTH of it.

6. Lake Superior lies wholly within the United States.

7. If you drive main highways, Pensacola, FL is nearer Key West, FL than it is to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

8. Cape May, NJ is north of Virginia.

9. The highest surface winds ever recorded in the US were on Mt. McKinley.

10. Florida is the southernmost US state.

11. The greatest vertical drop in a New York waterfall is at Niagara Falls.

12. Four states share a common border point.

13. The EAST coast state closest to California is Georgia.

14. South America is West of Jacksonville, Florida.

15. Most of New York City's 5 boroughs are on the mainland.

16. Alaska has more time zones, east to west, than the "lower" 48.

17. South America's coastline is longer than any other continent.

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